Patlamaya dayanıklı bağlantı kutusu

Patlamaya dayanıklı bağlantı kutusu
Explosion-proof junction box Model:AH51
Endüstriyel aydınlatma araştırma ve geliştirme, üretim ve ulusal yüksek teknoloji işletmelerinin satışı konusunda uzmanlaşmış
Explosion-proof junction box rated voltage.: AC220V/380V
Explosion-proof junction box Rated current: 10A,
Explosion-proof junction box IP Code: IP66
Explosion-proof junction box Explosion-proof mark: Exde IB/I IC T6 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP66 T8OC

Explosion-proof junction box Scope of application:
◆ Patlayıcı gaz ortamının bölge 1 ve bölge 2'si için uygundur;
✧Yanıcı toz ortamı 20, 21, 22 için uygundur;
◆Suitable for petroleum refining, storage, chemical industry, medicine, textile, printing and dyeing,
Explosive hazardous environments such as military industry and military installations.
Explosion-proof junction box Features
The shell is formed by high pressure casting of aluminum alloy, and the surface is electrostatically sprayed with powder after shot blasting;
The inlet has a variety of methods and specifications to meet various wiring needs on site;
The thread type of the inlet port is usually pipe thread, and it can also be processed into metric thread or NPT thread according to requirements;
Steel pipe or cable routing.
Explosion-proof junction box Main technical parameters
Exde IB/I ICT6 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP66 T8OC
Explosion-proof junction box Order Notice
◆Suitable for petroleum refining, storage, chemical industry, medicine, textile, printing and dyeing,
Explosive hazardous environments such as military industry and military installations.
Explosion-proof junction box Features
The shell is formed by high pressure casting of aluminum alloy, and the surface is electrostatically sprayed with powder after shot blasting;
The inlet has a variety of methods and specifications to meet various wiring needs on site;
The thread type of the inlet port is usually pipe thread, and it can also be processed into metric thread or NPT thread according to requirements;
Steel pipe or cable routing.
Explosion-proof junction box Main technical parameters
Exde IB/I ICT6 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP66 T8OC
Explosion-proof junction box Order Notice
◆Suitable for petroleum refining, storage, chemical industry, medicine, textile, printing and dyeing,
Explosive hazardous environments such as military industry and military installations.
Explosion-proof junction box Features
The shell is formed by high pressure casting of aluminum alloy, and the surface is electrostatically sprayed with powder after shot blasting;
The inlet has a variety of methods and specifications to meet various wiring needs on site;
The thread type of the inlet port is usually pipe thread, and it can also be processed into metric thread or NPT thread according to requirements;
Steel pipe or cable routing.
Explosion-proof junction box Main technical parameters
Exde IB/I ICT6 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP66 T8OC
Explosion-proof junction box Order Notice
The thread type of the inlet port is usually pipe thread, and it can also be processed into metric thread or NPT thread according to requirements;
Steel pipe or cable routing.
Explosion-proof junction box Main technical parameters
model AH51
Yönetici standardı GB3836.1、GB3836.2、 GB3836.3、 GB 12476.1、IEC60079
Patlamaya dayanıklı işaret Exde IB/I ICT6 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP66 T8OC
anma gerilimi. AC220V / 380V
Anma akımı 10A,
Koruma sınıfı IP66 Sınıfı
Korozyon önleyici sınıf WF2 (Dünya Sağlık Merkezi)
Giriş Özellikleri G3/4 inç

Explosion-proof junction box Order Notice
1. Sipariş verirken, lütfen ürün modeline göre tek tek seçin.
2. Şirket OEM işlemeyi destekler, lütfen özel gereksinimler için hesap yöneticisine başvurun

Ücretsiz Plan


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Kingjimemachine Satış Birimiyle İletişime Geçin

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